Locomotives built by George England Part 1
Locomotives built by George England at Hatcham Iron Works Part 1 1849-1855
This list was intially based on the one published in J.W. Lowe's British Steam Locomotive Builders Goose & Son Norwich 1975, which was reprinted in London's Industrial Archaeology 1984. I am certain there were some errors and also that more locomotives were built than have been recorded.
I have added as much new information as I can from such sources as I can find, notably CH Rickon's excellent articles in the Stephenson Locomotive Society's Journal 1961. I have not repeated any information from new sources that agrees with previously known information, but have provided alternative information where it may possibly be correct.
There are many errors that appeared in print, particularly in the early Railway press, for example that the cancellation of the 1852 order for locomotives to Russia ruined the company, or that "Scott" was the locomotive that appeared at the 1862 Great Exhibition. With enigmae like "Ophir" and the later fates of "Pigmy Giant" and the Exhibition "Little England" one can only make educated guesses. I would be delighted to receive further information on any aspect of the Hatcham Ironworks output.
Grahame Hood

1843/Manumotive Railway Carriage
"We are informed that a machine of this description is in use upon the London and Croydon Railway, having been lately made for Mr Gregory, the Resident Engineer, by Mr George England, Engineer. The machine is very light and elegant in appearance, and is capable of carrying seven or eight persons at a rate of 18 miles per hour. It was propelled on Monday last by Mr Roberts, Deputy Chairman of the Croydon Company, and Mr England, the inventor, from New Cross station to the Dartmouth Arms (now renamed New Cross Gate and Forest Hill). It is intended to be used by Mr Gregory and his assistants to traverse the line, inspecting any repairs or other works going on connected with the railway, and will, in our opinion, be found particularly useful for this purpose and more especially so in connection with those works upon the line which it is necessary to carry on during the night."
The Railway Times Sat 21st October 1843 Thanks to Geoff Smith.
In Nov 1848 the Mining Journal reported his first locomotive experiments in considerable detail. “Miniature Locomotive Engine. - Mr. England, of the Hatcham Iron Works, New Cross, Deptford, has lately constructed an engine of this description, for working the Newhaven branch, on the London and Brighton Railway. The first trial made was between New Cross and Croydon and the results have proved highly satisfactory; by itself this little engine, with the greatest facility, was put to a speed of 45 miles per hour, and, but for its being a first trial, and the machinery, consequently, not in smooth working order, there is little doubt but 60 miles per hour would have been obtained without difficulty. The locomotive then took, with the greatest ease, two loaded coal trucks, 9 ½ tons up the New Cross incline, of 1 in 100, at the rate of 25 miles per hour. It is a six-wheel engine, and the dimensions are as follows:-Cylinder 7 inches in diameter, with a 12 inch stroke; diameter of driving-wheels, 4 ft. 6in.; the two pair of bearing wheels, 3 ft. diameter each; length of tubes in boiler, 11 ft. 2 in.; extreme bearing between the axles, 14 ft.; total length of engine and tender, 20 ft. The tender is not detached as usual, but the coke place and water tank are on the same carriage with the engine. The total weight with a complement of water and fuel for a journey of 100 miles, does not exceed 9 tons. Mr. England has been exceedingly fortunate in this his first attempt at locomotive construction, in producing with complete success an inexpensive and light engine for working branch lines, where the traffic will not pay for the enormous cost of fuel, and wear and tear, caused by the present unavoidable practice of employing the usual ponderous machines engaged on the trunk lines.”
“She has run, we are informed, at the rate of 60 miles per hour, with perfect ease and safety, quite free from all oscillating or jumping motion”
The Railway Times Sat 2nd December Thanks to Geoff Smith
Not yet referred to by name, the locomotive began trials at the end of November.
“A few days since, Mr Lang (sic), the Chairman of the Brighton Railway, with Mr Shuster, Mr Crowley, and other directors of the line, took a trip with her, in order to test her merits upon the incline at New Cross, which is well known as being very heavy, viz., 1 in 100 for three miles long. Mr Land and Mr Crowley rode upon the engine, and the other gentlemen in a first-class carriage. When approaching the foot of the incline, Mr Lang requested that the engine should be brought to a stand at the foot of the incline, which was complied with, and when started again much astonishment was manifested at the facility with which she got up speed upon the incline, before reaching the top of which a velocity of 38 miles per hour was attained. Upon returning to London Bridge, the gentlemen who had taken the trip, very minutely examined the engine, and warmly congratulated Mr. England upon her general appearance and excellent performance, requesting that he would have some experiments made to fully test her powers, and consumption of coke, and report the result to the Board, which we believe has been satisfactorily done. The consumption of coke does not exceed, as we are informed 6lbs. per mile, while running trains of four or five carriages with passengers.”
The Railway Times Sat 2nd December Thanks to Geoff Smith
Within a week public services were being worked.
“Since our last this engine has been employed in working trains on the Horsham branch line of the London & Brighton Railway, which diverges from the main line at Three Bridges station, having stations at Crawley and Foygate (sic), at which the train calls each way. The traffic averages four carriages per train, which has been worked by this engine with perfect regularity and dispatch, performing the distance, 9 miles from station to station, including stoppages in 15 minutes. She has also been running with goods during the intervals between the passenger trains; and on one occasion she took, from Three Bridges station to Horsham, five wagons loaded with goods, 50 tons, attaining a speed of 30 miles per hour, ascending an incline of 1 in 200, for 1 mile, without any perceptible difference of speed. In this trip she was under the immediate guidance of Mr Ridley, one of Mr Craven’s assistants in the locomotive department, who expressed himself perfectly astonished at the performance; in fact when the engine was first attached to the five waggons, no-one present, including Mr England himself, ever imagined that she would have got away with them, and it was arranged by Mr Savage, the stationmaster, that one half was to be left while she went on with the remainder, but much to the surprise of all, she went away with the whole of the 50 tons in gallant style. This seems to us a wonderful performance, and far exceeds the statement we published last week, and must be highly gratifying to the Directors of the line, as it cannot fail to be for the manufacturers of the engine.”
The Railway Times Sat 9nd December Thanks to Geoff Smith
A demonstration run to Brighton was arranged.
“The Little England started from the New Cross station of the Brighton Railway, with three first-class carriages containing thirty-one persons including Mr J Cubitt, CE, Mr Statham, and several other gentlemen connected with railway engineering. The gross load was..about 22 tons. The weather was fine, but a very strong side wind was blowing the whole of the down and up journeys. At starting the engine had very little pressure in the boiler, and the New Cross incline…was not worked over in less than 10 min 34 sec. Including the time lost by the engine thus starting at a low pressure, and including also a stoppage of 8 min 47 sec at the Three Bridges station, the 47 ½ miles- viz, from New Cross to Brighton, were performed in 1 hour 48 min 45 sec. Deducting the stoppage at the Three Bridges station, the average speed was 28 miles per hour.” Timings and speeds were taken between mileposts 25 ¼ and 36 in both directions. “The maximum velocity of the Little England, down 1 in 264, was nearly 51 miles per hour; and the maximum velocity up the same gradient was 33.6 miles per hour. The valve was screwed down to 105 lb., at which the engine keeps steam very well. The consumption of coke for the down and up journeys averaged 8lb. per mile. The consumption per mile for the up journey was about 6 ½ lb per mile.”
The Morning Herald Mon 11th December 1848 Thanks to Geoff Smith
From February 1st 1849 "Little England" began working the Lynn & Wisbech branch of the East Anglia Railway. (The Railway Times 3rd March 1849) It is likely that she soon returned to the works for modification, including fitting of 9" x 12" cylinders, removal of name and sale. The Brighton eveidently found the type unsuitable, but she would surerly have made an interesting addition to the Craven collection.
Geoff Smith
1849/Works no. ?/2-2-2WT/Inside cylinders 9' x 12"/Driving wheel 4' 6"/Standard gauge/Dundee, Perth and Aberdeen Junction Rly/"Eclipse"
Dated about June 1849. CH Dickson SLS Journal 1962 p207
“In 1849 a “Little Englander” (the authors name for the class) had been supplied to the Dundee and Perth Railway for working the mail train of four carriages. This the engine did successfully for a considerable time.”
GA Sekon “Evolution of the Steam Locomotive” 1899 p143 (GA Sekon was the pen-name of GA Nokes, who was the editor of "The Railway Magazine" at the turn of the century)
1849/Works no. ?/2-2-2WT/Inside cylinders 9' x 12"/Driving wheel 4' 6"/Standard gauge/London & Blackwall Rly/"Dwarf"
Delivered September 1849. Price £1000, resold to makers in August, 1851 for £700 against two new engines (Samson & Hercules of 1852). CH Dickson SLS Journal 1962 p207 / E Craven SLS Journal 1955 p306
1850/Works no. ?/2-2-2WT/Inside cylinders 9' x 12"/Driving wheel 4' 6"/Standard gauge/London & Blackwall Rly/"Pigmy Giant"
Delivered January 1850. Price £950, resold to makers in August, 1851 for £700 against two new engines (Samson & Hercules of 1852). CH Dickson SLS Journal 1962 p207/E Craven SLS Journal 1955 p306
As they were sold back on part exchange against the two new engines it is possible they stayed on the L&B until the new engines were delivered and did not actually return to the makers until 1852, though this is speculation on my part. GH
1850/Works no. ?/2-2-2WT/Inside cylinders 9' x 12"/Driving wheel 4' 6"/Standard gauge/Edinburgh & Glasgow Rly/"England"
“One of the small tank engines of the “Little England” type built by George England….was sent to the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway in 1850. The makers guaranteed that it would successfully work express trains of seven coaches between the two cities and maintain good time on a fuel consumption not exceeding 10lb. of coke per mile. If the experiment was successful the railway company would purchase the locomotive for £1200, but if unsuccessful England & Co. would remove the locomotive and pay the costs of the trial. In the event the coke consumption worked out at 8lb. 3oz. per mile as compared with 29lb. 1oz. for “Sirius”, one of two engines designed by Paton and built at Cowlairs in 1848. The England engine, named “Little Scotland” (see “Wee Scotland” Addendum) was running up to 95 miles per day and frequently exceeding 60 mph. The position of the cylinders was unique as they were placed far behind the leading axle about one third of the distance along the frames. The latter were of the sandwich type, single, outside the wheels. Coke and water sufficient for 50 miles were carried and there was a primitive feed water heater in the smokebox. The reputation of these engines for steady running was attributed to the low centre of gravity and the long wheelbase.”
Campbell Highet “Scottish Locomotive History 1831-1923” George, Allen & Unwin 1970 p48
“(In the trials with “Sirius”) …both performing exactly the same work. The “Little England” so frequently ran in before her time that the driver had to be ordered to take longer time on the trips for feat of an accident happening in consequence of the engine arriving before it was expected. The speed of this light engine frequently exceeded 60 miles per hours and during the heavy winds and gales of January 1851, the “Little England” was the only locomotive on the line that kept time. ….On the Campsie Junction line, the “Little England” hauled a train of seven carriages and a brake-van, all of which were overloaded with passengers, of the several gradients of Nebrand, at 30 miles per hour. Although the engine stopped at a station on the incline, the light engine successfully started from the staion and continued the ascent. An ordinary engine was sent to assist the train at the rear, in case the “Little England” proved unequal to the task, but it is said that the bank engine was unable to keep up with the train!”
On trial on the E & G ran 95 miles (Edinburgh to Glasgow and return, with six stops in 90 minutes each trip. With seven coaches she used 8lbs.3 oz. per miles, with five coaches, 7lbs. 4oz. per mile, and with four 6lbs.5 oz. For the period including lighting up and standing 4 hours between each trip she used 9lbs.7 oz. of coke.
GA Sekon “Evolution of the Steam Locomotive” 1899 p142/3
1850/Works no. ?/2-2-2WT/Inside cylinders 9' x 12"/Driving wheel 4' 6"/Standard gauge/Liverpool Crosby & Stockport Rly/"England"
Delivered September 1850. Price £1200. CH Dickson SLS Journal 1962 p207
“On September 7th 1850, another “Little Englander” commenced service of the Liverpool and Stockport Railway, under guarantee to haul a train of seven carriages up an incline of 1 in 100, stopping and starting upon it, at a speed of 25 miles per hour, and consuming not more than 10lb. of coke per mile; on the level the speed was to be 45 miles an hour. This engine frequently drew ten carriages under the conditions laid down for seven.
England and Co. guaranteed these light engines to haul trains of six carriages at a speed of 40 miles per hour on gradients of 1 in 100, at a coke consumption of only 10lb. per miles. These engines cost £1200 each and the builders were willing to back them for 1000 guineas a-side, with a load in proportion to the weight of any other engine, or the amount of fuel consumed. We do not think anyone ever cared to accept this challenge.”
GA Sekon “Evolution of the Steam Locomotive” 1899 p142/3
1850/Works no. ?/2-2-2WT/Inside cylinders 9' x 12"/Driving wheel 4' 6"/Standard gauge/Exhibition engine/"Little England"
“All the above are different engines, no sales from one company to the other being known, or even likely. We know, from evidence quoted above, that there were four engines under construction on 1st July 1850, and from what is known about dates of delivery, it is almost certain that the four in question would be the last three in the above short list plus one other. There is a possible candidate in the following reference in Herepath’s Railway Journal for 1850, page 1229 where there is a report of the Company meeting of the Namur-Liege Railway. In it we read, “Ordered but not yet constructed, 1 light 9 inch engine on Englands’s principle.” I am tempted to add one other small tank to the above list, delivered to Belgium probably in 1851”
CH Dickson SLS Journal 1962 p207
1850/Works no. ?/2-2-2WT/Inside cylinders 9” x 12"/Driving wheel 4' 6"/Standard gauge/Namur-Liege Rly/N/k
1852/Works no. ?/2-2-2WT/Outside cylinders 15” x 18”/Driving wheel 5’ 6”/Standard gauge/London & Blackwall Rly/No. 8 “Samson”
Renumbered Great Eastern Rly 99 on takeover 1/1/66, renumbered 990 in 1878, scrapped Oct/1881
“The engine illustrated is the “Samson”, not a very big Samson, truly, but one which did excellent duty for many years running the quarter-hourly service between Fenchurch Street and Blackwall. It was of the pattern known as the “Crewe”, originated by Mr Alexander Allan in 1843. It will be noted that the feed pumps were outside, and worked off the cross-heads….The only other class of engine employed on the Blackwall passenger trains was one of somewhat similar general design, built by Jones’ Potts and Co. The Blackwall engines were painted Royal Blue, a feature which may possibly have had its origin in England and Co.’s practice. After being taken over by the Great Eastern Railway, “Samson” was re-coloured light green, had its name-plates removed, and was renumbered No.7; its duties thereafter were not strictly confined to the Blackwall line.”
AR Bennett “Locomotive Building in London” Railway Magazine Nov 1907 p387/8
“Samson” and “Hercules” were built to the same design as “Victoria” (which however had 14” x 20” cylinders as opposed to the England engines having 15” x 18” cylinders), already working on the London & Blackwall and being one of eight built by Jones & Potts in 1849/50. The England engines cost £1750 each with “Dwarf” and “Pigmy Giant” being taken in part exchange, valued at £700 each.
“The total weight was about 22 tons. They were very pretty-looking little machines, being painted blue and having chimneys furnished with copper caps.”
E Craven SLS Journal 1955 p306.
HL Hopwood “The London & Blackwall Railway” Railway Magazine Jan-Jun 1927 p341/2
1852/Works no. ?/2-2-2WT/Outside cylinders 15” x 18”/Driving wheel 5’ 6”/Standard gauge/London & Blackwall Rly/No. 9 “Hercules”
Renumbered Great Eastern Rly 100 on takeover 1/1/66, out of service Jun/1866, scrapped Apr/1870
1852/Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 20”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Caledonian Rly/No. 144
No. 144 as delivered. The Locomotive 15/05/1941 p108
1852/Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 20”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Caledonian Rly/No. 145
1852/Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 20”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Caledonian Rly/No. 146
1852/Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 20”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Caledonian Rly/No. 147
1852/Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 20”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Caledonian Rly/No. 148
1852/Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 20”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Caledonian Rly/No. 149
1853/Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 20”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Caledonian Rly/No. 150
1853/Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 20”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Caledonian Rly/No. 151
The above locomotives are supposed to have been a cancelled order for Russia. The Russian railways at the time used both 6’ and Standard gauge. Around this time this was standardised to 5’ gauge, and this, along with difficulty in paying for the order, probably led to the cancellation of the order. The Caledonian bought them in 1854.
Two other locomotives of this sort (part of the cancelled Russian order ?) were bought in 1852 by the Scottish firm (Coalmasters?) C. Dunlop and Co. and named “Cuilhill” and “Monkland” They were sold to the Caledonian in 1857 and numbered 182 and 183.
1852/Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 20”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Caledonian Rly/No. 182 (withdrawn 1870)
1852/Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 20”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Caledonian Rly/No. 183 (withdrawn 1872)
Colin Dunlop & Co. owned Collieries and an Iron works at Quarter, near Hamilton, Lanarkshire, plus Bredisholm Colliery, Baillieston and Drumpellier Colliery, Coatbridge.
"Industrial Locomotives of Scotland" ILS 1976. p95. No other George England locos listed in this book as having worked in Scottish industry.
“These locomotives were purchased for mineral traffic and at this point it might not be out of place to remark that a number of colliery companies in Scotland purchased several engines of this type from G. England & Co. The tenders for the railway company’s lot were made at the Greenock works. All the axles were placed in front of the firebox. The type was 2-4-0, driven on the rear axle. The coupled wheels were 5ft 03/4ins diameter, and the leading wheels 3ft 05/8ins diameter. The wheelbase was 11ft 111/2ins, of which the coupled wheelbase represented 5ft 6in. The cylinders were outside and were 15in dia by 22in stroke. The total heating surface appears to have been about 850 sq. ft. of which the firebox contributed 69.4 sq. ft. The grate area was 14 sq. ft. and pressure 108lb. The weight empty was 29 ½ tons and in road trim 30 ¾ tons. The locomotives were numbered 144 to 151, the last two being made new in 1853 and the earlier ones in 1852. No 144 was renumbered 182 in 1872 and withdrawn in 1874. Nos. 145, 146 and 149 were withdrawn in 1872 without any renumbering, while No.148 renumbered 183 in 1872 was withdrawn in 1874. Nos. 150 and 151 were renumbered 184 and 185 in 1872 and almost simultaneously withdrawn from stock.”
The Locomotive January 15 1941 p14
1852/3 /Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 22”/Driving wheel 4’ 9”/Standard gauge/Dundee, Perth & Aberdeen Junction Rly/No. 13 “Scorpion”
1852/3 /Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 16” x 22”/Driving wheel 4’ 9”/Standard gauge/Dundee, Perth & Aberdeen Junction Rly/No. 14 “Spitfire”
1852/3 /Works no.?/2-4-0/Outside cylinders 15” x 22”/Driving wheel 5’ 0”/Standard gauge/Dundee, Perth & Aberdeen Junction Rly/No. 15 “Sprite”
The latter engine was purchased in 1855 so was presumably one left on the maker’s hands by a cancelled order. The three engines passed to the Scottish Central Railway, Nos. 13/4 by sale in April 1860, the latter at the take-over in 1863”
CH Dickson SLS Journal 1961 p209
1854/5 /Works no.?/ ?/ ?/ ?/Standard gauge/West Flanders Rly/No. ?
1854/5 /Works no.?/ ?/ ?/ ?/Standard gauge/West Flanders Rly/No. ?
“Meeting of the company, reported in Herepath, 1854, p1322: “With the two small engines* ordered of Messrs. England & Company we shall have sufficient to work our whole lines” The meeting of the following year, reported on p 1210 says: “The two small engines furnished by Messrs. England and which complete our stock of 14 are now employed on the Thielt branch and are extremely economical.” (*“Little England” style 2-2-2Ts?)
CH Dickson SLS Journal 1961 p209
1855 /Works no.?/ ?/ ?/ ?/Standard gauge/Sambre et Meuse Rly/No. ?
“This engine ended up as No.90 on the Grand Central Belge.”
CH Dickson SLS Journal 1961 p209
1) Ophir
In his wonderful book "The Chronicles of Boulton's Siding" (which despite its title is one of the best and most readable books on railways ever!) Alfred Rosling Bennett tells us that Isaac Boulton (perhaps best described as a gentleman locomotive dealer) bought "Ophir" in March 1866, along with two other locomotives, at an auction in Grays Chalk Quarries, in Essex, for the bargain price of £488 for the three. "Ophir" was at the time a 2-2-0, with leading wheels of 2ft diameter and drivers of 5ft. She had originally been built as a road engine and her front axle was still pivoted. She had three inside cylinders; all 5" x 10". As Bennett says "How Messrs. England came to build such an engine is not known. "
Boulton rebuilt her as an 0-4-0ST with 2 inside cylinders 10" x 12 7/8" and 2' 7" wheels in which form she thrived, was hired out a couple of times and finally sold in April 1867 for £475. Bennett was aware she had worked on the Edenham and Little Bytham Railway, though quickly sold as being unable to cope with the loads and the gradients.
CH Dickon considered that "Ophir" being a Hatcham product "does not seem likely".
The Railway Magazine June 1960 p446 tells us the Edenham & Little Bytham Railway was built by Lord Willoughby de Eresby to connect his country estate at Grimsthorpe Castle, near Edenham, Lincs, with the GNR at Little Bytham. The line was single track, 4 miles long and opened in 1856, traffic being handled by "two 0-4-0 tank engines and a converted traction engine".
In the September RM, Geoffrey Webb added more information (p661) confirming the "converted traction engine, named "Ophir" was soon found unsuited to the heavy gradients and had been disposed of by 1860."
So, the questions raised are;
a) did the engine have anything to do with Hatcham at all, and if so,
b) did England simply convert her from a traction engine to a railway engine or
c) did he actually build some traction engines at Hatcham?
Though there are no technical reasons why he could not have built traction engines as easily as railway locomotives (the well known Kent firm Aveling &Porter famous for their traction engines and road rollers built many for use on rails from the 1860s onwards which were particularly common in the cement industry around the Medway) the three inside cylinders seem un-England, somehow.
I think b) is the most likley scenario. Bennett does not say why he is so sure she was a Hatcham product, perhaps she had an England works-plate. There is a both a photograph and a drawing of the rebuilt "Ophir" in "Chronicles" but they do not show this, though she does have an England look about her, particularly around the smokebox. Garretts of Leiston, may have built her?
2) What happened to "Pygmy Giant" and the Exhibition loco?
"Pygmy Giant" probably remained on the Blackwall Railway until the Samson and Hercules arrived in 1852.
There are several other sightings of the two locos;
a) An engine named "Little England" was sent out to the Koping-Hult Railway in Sweden in 1854 and was still there in 1861 (CH Dickson)
b) The Sandy & Potton Railway also had a "Little England" to run with "Shannon" so this could have been anytime from 1857 to 1862, when the LNWR bought the railway's assetts.
c) The Ystalyfera Iron Company of South Wales sold a "Little England" to the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway for £450 on 23rd July, 1856. The engine number was given in the minutes as 124." (CH Dickson")
d) A "Little England" turned up in Boulton's Siding in the mid 1860, though it is not recalled as being sold on. He may have broken her up, her nameplates were displayed on the workshop wall. (AR Bennett)
e) Hamilton Ellis in "The North British Railway " says "This engine (implying it was the Exhibition loco) was bought by Isaac Watt Boulton in the middle 'sixties and broken up. In the meantime she had been on trial in Sweden"
A puzzle indeed, though the dates would suggest that b) and c) could have been the same engine.
"A life of only fourteen or fifteen years seems very short for a gold-medal engine, but the fact was that the light expresses of the early eighteen-fifties had grown too haevy for such miniature locomotives in the 'sixties and the type was too special and too tiny to find any other sphere of usefullness. The same design on a larger scale would have probably done very well and survived longer."
AR Bennett "The Chronicles of Boulton's Siding" p146-147
3) Wee Scotland
What was the loco supplied to the Edinburgh & Glasgow actually called? Sekon refers to "Little England" but implies that it was one of that class and not neccessarily the name of the loco. Campbell Highet says it was called "Little Scotland" , Hamilton Ellis says it was "Wee Scotland". There was a loco of that name but it was not an England loco. Surely "Wee Scotland" was a jocular riposte to "Little England"?
Tagged as: George England
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